The Constitution and By-Laws of The East Richmond Beekeepers Association Date Accepted: January 7, 2020
SECTION 1: NAME AND PURPOSE: The name of this organization shall be “The East Richmond Beekeepers Association.” The purpose of this organization shall be to foster the keeping and efficient management of honey bees, to educate the members in the science and techniques of apiculture, to inform the members and the public, on occasion, of the ecological and economic benefits of honey bee culture and to provide opportunities for informal exchanges of information through fellowship and association with other beekeepers.
SECTION 1: OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this nonprofit organization shall be to encourage better methods among beekeepers, to promote cooperation, to reach a common understanding regarding our problems and their solutions, to maintain friendly and helpful relations with those forces which are working to better the beekeeping industry, to develop markets for beekeeping products, to foster closer cooperation among members of the Association, and to do such things as will tend to improve purposes for its members and the general public relating to honey bees and the beekeeping industry.
SECTION 1: MEMBERS: Anyone interested in beekeeping and the beekeeping industry may join the Association upon payment of the regular annual dues. The right to vote shall be limited to members.
SECTION 1: OFFICERS: The officers of the Association shall be as follows:
President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and immediate past President. The Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected by a majority vote of the members present at the regular June meeting and serve for one year. The President shall be elected by a majority vote of the members present at the regular June meeting and serve for two years. The President may not succeed himself or herself in office after two years. All officers must be current on dues.
In case of a vacancy, the President shall recommend a replacement to the body of the Association who will vote on it. No person shall be elected for any office without his or her consent. Each officer shall provide his or her successor with all appropriate materials, records, and Association property.
SECTION 1: DUES: The annual dues will be collected for each fiscal year which will be from July 1 through June 30. Dues for members shall be $10.00 an individual or $15.00 for a family membership, and shall be payable to the Treasurer of the Association on June 1 of the fiscal year covered by said dues. All dues expire on June 30 of each year. Any member of the Association who becomes delinquent in payment of dues after May 31 will be dropped from the roll of membership after 60 days, and shall cease to be a member of the Association. A person who has been dropped from the roll of membership for nonpayment of dues, may be restored to active membership by paying the current year’s dues. No portion of the dues shall be used for political purposes.
SECTION 1: MEETINGS: There shall be regular meetings held monthly, on the second Tuesday of each month, except on holidays. Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
SECTION 2: CHANGES IN MEETINGS: When meeting times must be temporarily changed, the President and/or the Secretary shall notify the members of the change. The regular scheduled meeting times may be changed by a vote of the membership when announced ahead of time in a prior meeting, or a communication to the members.
SECTION 3: ORDER OF BUSINESS: The order of business at regular meetings shall include: Call to Order, Secretary’s Report, Treasurer’s Report, Old Business, New Business, Program and Adjournment. The order of business may be altered by the presiding officer as may be required.
SECTION 4: QUORUM: A quorum is defined as 25% of the members on July 1st of the current fiscal year.
SECTION 1: THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: shall consist of all the elected officers of the Association, namely: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, as well as the immediate past President who shall be a member. The Executive Committee shall have authority to transact business on behalf of the Association when it is not in session.
SECTION 2: MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEES: The President can establish committees as needed.
SECTION 1: PRESIDENT: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association using regular parliamentary usage and Roberts Rules of Order. This officer shall appoint such special committees as is deemed necessary and perform such duties as the Association may direct. In case of a vacancy of any office, the President shall recommend a replacement to the body of the Association who will vote on it. The President is responsible for the programming at each of the meetings. Speakers and/or programs should be recommended by the Executive Committee or the Programming Committee. The President will then arrange for the speakers and/or program.
SECTION 2: VICE PRESIDENT: The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in his or her absence, or upon the President’s request. If the Vice President is unable to perform this duty in the absence of the President, then the Vice President may appoint any member to act in his or her stead. The Vice President shall also serve as “Education Chairman”, and may ask others to assist as needed, making necessary arrangements for mentors and classes, as needed by the membership.
SECTION 3: SECRETARY: The Secretary shall record the minutes and proceedings of the Association at each regular meeting and keep a permanent copy. The Secretary is also responsible for all e-mail and/or social media communications, unless otherwise agreed upon by the Executive Committee. If the Secretary is unable to perform this duty, he or she may ask any member to act in his or her stead.
SECTION 4: TREASURER: The Treasurer shall collect the annual dues from the members and notify all members who are delinquent in payment of dues after June 31. This officer shall be custodian of all monies received by the Association and keep full and accurate records showing the receipts and disbursements of all monies. The Treasurer shall make a complete report on the financial standings of the Association at each regular meeting and shall provide a report annually. The Treasurer at the end of the term shall have all records and books delivered to the successor, including papers, monies, and all other property of the Association which may be in his or her possession.
SECTION 5: IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT: The immediate past President will serve as a Board member.
The Secretary and the Treasurer shall work together to develop and update the membership roster. It will be made available to the membership after the time period to renew memberships has passed. This roster will include the names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of members as available. As new members join, their contact information will be made available to the membership via updates to the roster as necessary. Any member can request an updated roster throughout the calendar year. This membership roster is only for the use of club members. It is not to be publicly displayed on the internet, nor will it be made available to persons or businesses outside of our club membership.
SECTION 1: AMENDMENTS: Any article or any section of any article of the Constitution and By-Laws may be amended at any regular meeting by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all members present, providing proposed amendments have been presented to the Executive Committee for their recommendations, and have been presented in writing, via regular mail or electronic mail, to the entire membership at least 30 days before any meeting.
SECTION 1: DISSOLUTION: Should this Association undergo dissolution, its assets will be distributed only to the Virginia State Beekeeper’s Association.