In the interests of extending education to the community, and encouraging the understanding of honey bees and of beekeeping, the meetings of the East Richmond Beekeepers Association (ERBA) are open to the public. We invite all persons interested in bees and/or beekeeping to join the East Richmond Beekeepers Association! A summary of our history is included in this website. Our members include both beekeepers and non-beekeepers who come together out of a desire to help the honey bee and the local communities.
In that spirit, ERBA has given adult and children’s books to the New Kent and Charles City branches of the Heritage Public Library, the Mechanicsville branch of the Pamunkey Regional Library, and the library of the J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College at Goochland.
Dues are $10 for an individual or $15 family for the fiscal year (July - June). Joining is easy! Print our membership form, and fill it out. You may either bring it to an ERBA meeting (preferred) or send it with your dues (make checks payable to East Richmond Beekeeper’s Association) to:
East Richmond Beekeepers Association c/o Arlo Amstutz, Treasurer PO Box 325 Sandston, VA 23150
Membership grants a right to vote on the issues and direction of the club and provides each member with a discount on subscriptions to beekeeping magazines. Membership also includes access to equipment including a honey extractor, honey strainers, and frame jig.
Meetings are open to the public. We meet the first Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m., unless we have a special event that month (i.e. our annual picnic or holiday gathering).