Join the East Richmond Beekeepers Association! Are you interested in bees and beekeeping? Join ERBA and be part of a community dedicated to supporting honey bees and local communities. Our members include both beekeepers and non-beekeepers united by a shared passion for pollinator education and conservation.
Monthly Meetings Our monthly meetings are open to the public and held on the first Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m., unless we have a special event, such as our annual picnic (June) or holiday gathering (December). Come learn, share, and connect with fellow honey bee enthusiasts!
Membership Benefits
Voting rights on club issues, direction, and leadership
Access to club equipment, including a honey extractor, honey strainers, and frame jig
Online: Complete our online membership form and pay dues with a credit card. This method includes an option for automatic renewal each July 1.
By Mail: Print and complete our membership form. Bring it to a meeting (preferred) or mail it with your dues (checks payable to East Richmond Beekeepers Association) to: East Richmond Beekeepers Association c/o Arlo Amstutz, Treasurer PO Box 325 Sandston, VA 23150